Donations Policy

Rommey Farms receives many requests from the community for donations and we strongly believe in supporting the requests of our friends and neighbors. Gifts can be provided in the form of admission tickets, we do not provide produce, honey, gift items, nor cash donations.

Because of the high volume of requests, all of our requests must now be submitted in writing. To submit a request, please complete this application form. Submit your application 60 days before your scheduled event, and mail it or bring it to the Farm office.

The farm is located approximately 4 minutes west of Cassoday, KS on 150th Street, 1 mile south on Price Road and 1/4 mile east on 140th Street.

Thank you, Don and Susan Rommelfanger

Rommey Farms Donation Request Form

Rommey Farms believes strongly in supporting our friends and neighbors. Please fill out this form and either mail or drop it off at the address below.

Organization Name: ____________________________________

 Address: _________________________________ City: ___________

Zip code: __________

Contact Name: ___________________________

Contact Phone: ______________________

 Event Donation is Requested: ______________________________

Please describe how you will use the donation: (Note: Donations are in the form of admissions to the farm. We do not donate bakery items, gifts, or cash.)









Please return the completed form with flyer or request form attached to: (Forms may be mailed, or dropped off.)

 7261 NE 140th Street, Cassoday, KS 66842   (316) 621-0128